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發表於 2023-10-9 13:18:27 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Contact companies hiring Reach out to LinkedIn event attendees Contact your clients’ alumni Reach out to competitors’ post commenters React on news . Contact companies hiring Hiring is a good sign that a company is in good health and has the budget to pay you. The good news is that Sales Navigator makes it super easy to identify companies hiring on Linkedin. There is even a filter dedicated to this in the account search. Go to the account search.

Select “Hiring on Linkedin” in Job opportunities Add your additional seo expate bd filters like size or geography Boom. You have a targeted list of companies hiring on Linkedin. find companies hiring linkedin The next step is to identify which decision maker to contact in these companies. For that, the first step is to build an account list: Click the checkboxes Click on Save Click on “Create a new list” Add the companies in the other pages to this list create account.

List from search sales navigator Once your account list is created, you can go to the lead search: Select your account Add filters to find decision makers Export your list identify decision makers sales navigator You can contact these people mentioning the fact they are hiring. Let’s take the example of a Payroll Management Software. Message Hello <first name>, I’m reaching out because I’ve seen you are recruiting new SDR this quarter. Congrats on the growth  I hope these recruits will help go even further.


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